Pieces available from Derek M. Jenkins directly:
Blue Marble for Wind Ensemble
Boreas: The North Wind for Wind Ensemble or Brass Band
Dreams of America for Brass Band and Still Images
Eosphorus: The Morning Star for Wind Ensemble
Fountains for String Orchestra or Flex Band
Kolo for Brass Band or Concert Band or Flex Band
Nach Raum und Zeit for High Voice and Piano
Of Vigils and Storms for Orchestra
orbital eccentricity for Saxophone Ensemble
Rock Bottom for Wind Ensemble
Solar Flare for Flex Band
These Are Enough for SATB Chorus and Viola
Unfinished List of the Things I Love for Mezzo-Soprano and Piano
We Seven for Brass Band and Orchestra
For all inquiries regarding the pieces listed above,
please click on the link below:
Square Market
for customers not located in the U.S.,
please email Derek at derek@derekmjenkins.com
for purchasing options
Pieces available from Murphy Music Press, LLC:
Fountains for Concert Band
Solar Flare for Concert Band
We Seven for Wind Ensemble
For all inquiries regarding the pieces listed above, please visit:
Murphy Music Press, LLC
Pieces available from Veritas Musica Publishing:
action/reaction for unaccompanied Alto Saxophone
by Fire for Clarinet, Violin, and Piano
in transit for Bassoon Quintet
inertia for Saxophone Quartet
Quintet for Winds No. 1 for Woodwind Quintet
the looking glass for unaccompanied Violoncello
For all inquiries regarding the pieces listed above, please visit:
Veritas Musica Publishing