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Past News





Rock Bottom won First Place in WASBE Competition

21 July 2022

Rock Bottom for Wind Ensemble has won First Place in the 3rd Annual World Association for Symphony Bands and Ensembles (WASBE) Composition Competition. It was performed at the WASBE Convention in Prague, Czech Republic on July 21, 2022. 


Pieces for brass band now also available through BrookWright Music

9 May 2022

Jenkins's music for brass band (Boreas: The North WindDreams of America, Kolo, and We Seven) is now available in partnership with BrookWright Music, in addition to being available directly from Jenkins via Square. Click here for more information. Looking forward to working with BrookWright Music!






Rock Bottom named finalist in WASBE Competition

16 December 2021

​Rock Bottom for Wind Ensemble has been named a finalist in the 3rd Annual World Association for Symphonic Bands and Ensembles (WASBE) Composition Competition. The three finalist pieces will be performed at the WASBE Convention in Prague, Czech Republic on July 21, 2022


We Seven now published through Murphy Music Press

9 December 2021

​We Seven for Wind Ensemble is has been picked up for publication through Murphy Music Press, LLC. Click here for more information. The Brass Band version will still be available directly from Jenkins via Square. Looking forward to working with Murphy Music Press!


2022 International Trombone Festival

28 November 2021

​Dr. Bruce Faske was selected for the Performing Artist Showcase Recital at the 2022 International Trombone Festival at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway, AR. His submission included a forthcoming work by Jenkins for trombone and piano written in memory of Dr. Faske's father. The conference will take place July 13-16, 2022. Check back here for more details.


Virtual Coaching and Discussion at SUNY New Paltz

11 November 2021

​Jenkins coached and talked with the members of the SUNY New Paltz Symphonic Band as they rehearsed Kolo for their concert later this month.


GMM Band Composition and Arranging Finalists

26 October 2021

​Rock Bottom and Solar Flare have both been named finalists in the 2021 1st Annual Grand Mesa Publications Band Composition and Arranging Contest. Winners are expected to be announced in January 2022, so check back here for more details.


24th IGEB International Conference 

21 September 2021

Jenkins's research paper titled "'Whatever you do, fund the band': George W. Landers and the Iowa Band Law has been selected for inclusion on the Internationale Gesellschaft zur Erforschung & Förderung der Blasmusik's 24th International Conference to take place July 13-18, 2022 at the Instituto di alta formazione musicale “Conservatorio Claudio Monteverdi” in Bolzano, Italy.


The American Prize Finalist

28 May 2021​

These Are Enough has just been named a finalist in the Composition-Choral Music (Professional Division) Category of The American Prize. Winners are expected to be announced next month, so check back here for more details.


The American Prize Finalist

7 May 2021​

Rock Bottom has just been named a finalist in the Composition-Band/Wind Ensemble (Professional Division) Category of The American Prize. Winners are expected to be announced next month, so check back here for more details.


The American Prize Semi-Finalist

5 March 2021​

Rock Bottom has just been named a semi-finalist in the Composition-Band/Wind Ensemble (Professional Division) Category of The American Prize. Finalists are expected to be announced next month, so check back here for more details.


The American Prize Semi-Finalist

5 February 2021​

These Are Enough has just been named a semi-finalist in the Composition-Choral Music (Professional Division) Category of The American Prize. Finalists are expected to be announced next month, so check back here for more details.


CD Release

1 January 2021​

Jenkins's piece Of Vigils and Storms is now available on Ablaze Records' newest CD, Orchestral Masters Vol. 7. The piece was recorded in the summer of 2019 by the Brno Philharmonic Orchestra under the direction of Mikel Toms.






Variable Band Arrangements

9 July 2020

Jenkins has now created three variable instrumentation versions of three of his pieces: FountainsSolar Flare, and Kolo. These three pieces can now be performed with six, nine, and ten performers respectively. 


24th IGEB International Conference

9 April 2020

Jenkins's research paper titled "'Whatever you do, fund the band': George W. Landers and the Iowa Band Law has been selected for inclusion on the Internationale Gesellschaft zur Erforschung & Förderung der Blasmusik's 24th International Conference to take place July 23-27, 2020 at the Conservatorio superior de música "Joaquín Rodrigo" in Valencia, Spain.

UPDATE: Due to COVID-19, this event has been postponed to July 2021.






National Youth Brass Band of America Commission

18 December 2019

Jenkins has been commissioned by the National Youth Brass Band of America for a new piece to be premiered at their 2020 summer course.

UPDATE: Due to COVID-19, the premiere will occur during a future summer course.


Orchestral Masters Vol. 7

1 March 2019

​Of Vigils and Storms has been selected for inclusion on the upcoming ABLAZE Records release: Orchestral Masters Vol. 7. The piece will be recorded this summer by the Brno Philharmonic Orchestra. Check back later for information.


American Prize Semi-Finalist

20 January 2019

Unfinished List of the Things I Love has just been named a semi-finalist in the Composition-Vocal Chamber Music (Professional Division) Category of The American Prize. Finalists should be announced next month, so check back here for more details.


2019 SCI Region VI Conference

20 January 2019

Unfinished List of the Things I Love was accepted for performance in April at the 2019 SCI Region VI Conference at Texas A&M University-Commerce in Commerce, TX.






One More Time Podcast

17 April 2018

Jenkins spoke about his research on the Iowa Band Law for an episode titled "Death and Taxes" on the One More Time Podcast produced by the University of Illinois Bands. 


UMKC Distinguished Master's Thesis Award

9 January 2018

Jenkins's MM Musicology Thesis, “Whatever you do, fund the band’: The History and Continuing Implementation of the 1921 Iowa Band Law, was awarded the 2017 UMKC Distinguished Master's Thesis Award. Jenkins will be in Kansas City on February 8 to attend the Annual School of Graduate Studies Awards Celebration and Community of Scholars event.






2018 USF New-Music Festival

20 November 2017

Unfinished List of the Things I Love was accepted for performance in April at the 2018 USF New-Music Festival and Symposium at the University of South Florida in Tampa, FL.


Join the "into air, into thin air" Consortium

16 November 2017

Dr. Timothy Shade, Director of Bands at Wichita State University, is forming a consortium to commission a new work for wind ensemble and electronics from Jenkins. This new work will be titled into air, into thin air, and more information can be found here or by joining the Commission Consortium.


Two New Arrangements Available

9 November 2017

Boreas: The North Wind for Brass Band and Fountains for Concert Band are now available for purchase. 


CMS Great Plains Conference

2 November 2017

Jenkins's paper titled "Whatever You Do, Fund the Band": George W. Landers and the 1921 Iowa Band Law was accepted for a presentation in March at the 37th College Music Society's Great Plains Regional Conference at Wartburg College in Waverly, IA. 


Lexical Tones Podcast

15 October 2017

Jenkins did an interview for the Lexical Tones Podcast with Robert McClure produced by ADJ•ective New Music. 


Arkansas State University

14 June 2017

Jenkins has accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Music Theory and Composition at Arkansas State University in Jonesboro, AR. Go Red Wolves!


2017 SCI Region VII Conference

31 May 2017

We Seven was accepted for performance in October at the 2017 SCI Region VII Conference at Arizona State University in Tempe, AZ.



13 May 2017

Today, Jenkins graduated from the University of Missouri-Kansas City where he earned a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in Music Composition, a Master of Music degree in Musicology, and a Graduate Certificate in College Teaching.


Unfinished List of the Things I Love

8 February 2017

Unfinished List of the Things I Love was accepted for performance in March at the 2017 Emerging Midwestern Collegiate Composers Conference at the University of Missouri-Kansas City in Kansas City, MO. 


American Prize Winner

23 January 2017

We Seven has been selected as the winner of the 2016 Composition-Band/Wind Ensemble (Student Division) Category of The American Prize.






CMS Northeast Regional Conference

8 December 2016

Nach Raum und Zeit was accepted for performance in March at the 38th College Music Society's Northeast Regional Conference at SUNY Plattsburgh in Plattsburgh, NY. 

UPDATE: Due a scheduling conflict, Nach Raum und Zeit will no longer be performed on this conference.


American Prize Finalist

30 November 2016

We Seven has just been named a finalist in the Composition-Band/Wind Ensemble (Student Division) Category of The American Prize. Winners should be announced next month, so check back here for more details soon.


2017 SCI National Conference

29 October 2016

​Boreas: The North Wind was accepted for performance in March at the 2017 Society of Composers, Inc. National Conference at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI. 


WUTM 90.3 FM Radio Broadcast

18 September 2016

The University of Tennessee at Martin Wind Ensemble concert on 19 April 2016 is being broadcast on WUTM 90.3 "The Hawk". The concert included the premiere of Jenkins's piece Blue Marble: A Symphony for Wind Ensemble. Jenkins did a short interview during his time in Martin, and this will be included in the broadcast today at 2:00pm CDT. 


American Prize Semi-Finalist

14 September 2016

We Seven has just been named a semi-finalist in the Composition-Band/Wind Ensemble (Student Division) Category of The American Prize. Finalists should be announced next month, so check back here for more details soon.


Composers Circle Feature

9 August 2016

Blue Marble: A Symphony for Wind Ensemble is the daily featured composition on Composers Circle today, August 9. 


Nach Raum und Zeit

18 June 2016

​Jenkins's art song cycle, Nach Raum und Zeit, has been selected by Ensemble For These Times as part of their 2016 Call for Scores for performance during their 2017-2018 season. Check back here for more information.


Dubuque Symphony Orchestra

11 June 2016

​Jenkins has been commissioned by the Dubuque Symphony Orchestra for a new piece to be performed on April 29 & 30, 2017.


Graduate Research Grant

9 March 2016

Jenkins has received a grant from the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Graduate Studies Research Grant Program. His proposed project is entitled Bridging the Gap: Composing for Middle School, High School, and Collegiate Bands. 


Wind & Rhythm Podcast

6 March 2016

The Fountain City Brass Band's performance at the 2015 Midwest Clinic in Chicago, IL last December is featured on the Wind & Rhythm Podcast (Episode 373). Jenkins's work We Seven is among the pieces featured in this podcast. Enjoy!


RED NOTE Composition Competition

15 January 2016

We Seven was given an honorable mention in the 2016 RED NOTE New Music Festival Composition Competition. 


CMS Northeast Regional Conference

2 January 2016

We Seven was accepted for performance in March at the 37th College Music Society's Northeast Regional Conference at Kutztown University in Kutztown, PA. 

UPDATE: Due a scheduling conflict, We Seven will no longer be performed on this conference.






CMS South-Central Regional Conference

24 December 2015

Boreas: The North Wind was accepted for performance in March at the 31st College Music Society's South-Central Regional Conference at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, TX.


Composers Circle Feature

30 November 2015

We Seven has been included in Composers Circle's New Music for Wind Ensemble mixtape.


Missouri State University Composition Festival

19 November 2015

We Seven was selected for performance in March at the 2016 Missouri State University Composition Festival in Springfield, MO. 


Missouri MTNA Commissioned Composer

5 November 2015

Jenkins has received the Missouri MTNA Commissioned Composer Award for 2016. His new piece will be premiered at the Missouri MTNA Conference in November of 2016. 


2016 SCI Region III Conference

27 October 2015

We Seven was accepted for performance by the Marshall University Wind Symphony in February at the 2016 Society of Composers, Inc. Region III Conference at Marshall University in Huntington, WV.

UPDATE: Due a scheduling conflict, We Seven will no longer be performed on this conference.


We Seven at The Midwest Clinic

27 September 2015

We Seven will be played at this year's Midwest Clinic by the award-winning Fountain City Brass Band at 2:30pm on 16 December 2015.


The Wind Ensemble Music of James Mobberley

28 August 2015

Jenkins's two-part podcast on the wind ensemble music of Dr. James Mobberley is now available. This is an introductory survey of the wind ensemble music of James Mobberley. The podcasts contain interviews with the composer himself, as well as conductors Steven Davis, Gary Hill, and Joseph Parisi. 


2015 SCI National Conference

3 July 2015

We Seven was accepted for performance by the University of Florida Symphonic Band in November at the 2015 Society of Composers, Inc. 50th Anniversary National Conference at the University of Florida in Gainesville, FL.


Good Luck Schurz High School String Orchestra!

24 April 2015

Tomorrow, the Carl Schurz High School String Orchestra will be playing Jenkins's piece Fountains as part of the CPS District Festival. Best of luck to all the performers and their conductor, Hanna Mathey! 


KKFI 90.1 FM Radio Interview

10 April 2015

Jenkins will be on KKFI 90.1 FM Saturday, April 11, 2015 at 1:00pm discussing the upcoming premiere of his piece Kolo by the Mid America Freedom Band.


Finalist, 2015 Morton Gould Awards

27 March 2015

Jenkins's piece We Seven was named a finalist for the 2015 ASCAP Foundation Morton Gould Young Composer Awards.


Preparing Future Faculty Fellow

5 March 2015

Jenkins has been announced as a recipient of a Preparing Future Faculty Fellowship from the University of Missouri-Kansas City. 


Panel Discussion

16 February 2015

At the 2015 SCI Region VI Conference at Henderson State University on March 6, Jenkins will be on a panel discussing "Composing and Performing Band and Vocal Literature for K-12 and College-Level Ensembles." Additionally, his piece We Seven will be performed at the same conference by the Henderson State University Wind Ensemble on March 8. 

UPDATE: Due to weather conditions, the panel discussion was cancelled so that all scheduled performances could still take place.


Sen. John Glenn and "We Seven"

10 January 2015

Last August, Jenkins sent two scores and a recording of We Seven off to Sen. John Glenn, the last surviving member of the "Mercury Seven." Today, he received one of those copies back complete with Glenn's signature. It reads "To Derek - with best regards - John Glenn." 






CMS Southern Regional Conference

20 December 2014

Nach Raum und Zeit was accepted for performance in February at the 36th College Music Society's Southern Regional Conference at Mississippi University of Women in Columbus, MS.


CMS International Conference

2 December 2014

Jenkins was selected to present a paper at the College Music Society's International Conference in Stockholm, Sweden and Helsinki, Finland in July 2015. His paper is entitled "Music for the People: Brass Ensembles and Nationalism" and focuses on ensembles from Finland, Sweden, the UK, and the US. More information to come.

UPDATE: Due a scheduling conflict, Jenkins will no longer be participating in this conference.


2015 SCI Region VI Conference

21 November 2014

We Seven was accepted for performance by the Henderson State University Wind Ensemble in March at the 2015 Society of Composers, Inc. Region VI Conference at Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, AR.  


Fountains finished

6 November 2014

Jenkins's new piece, Fountains for string orchestra (Grade 1) is now complete. Check it out here. Fountains will receive its premiere on 19 December 2014 at the Midwest Clinic in Chicago by the Youth Symphony of Kansas City. In the near future, Jenkins plans on creating a full orchestra version and a concert band version.


New Purchase Features

22 October 2014

Purchasing options through Square Marketplace have just been added to Boreas: The North WindEosphorus: The Morning StarWe Sevenorbital eccentricity, and Nach Raum und Zeit. There is a purchase button located at the bottom of each page. Additionally, there is a link under the Purchase tab above to view all options at the same time.


Composers Circle Feature

22 September 2014

We Seven is the daily featured composition on Composers Circle today, September 22. 



20 August 2014

The UMKC Wind Ensemble's May 7th concert made the KCMetropolis's 2013-2014 Editor's Picks list, which included the premiere of Jenkins's wind ensemble piece, We Seven.


Composers Circle Feature

1 August 2014

Eosphorus: The Morning Star has been included in Composers Circle's August mixtape. 


6 July 2014

We Seven has been added to 


Composers Circle Feature

21 June 2014

Eosphorus: The Morning Star is the daily featured composition on Composers Circle today, June  21. 


Mid America Freedom Band

14 May 2014

Jenkins's proposal for a new piece has been selected by the Mid America Freedom Band for performance on their April 26, 2015 Just Dance concert.


New Commission

23 April 2014

Jenkins has been commissioned for a new wind ensemble work by John Oelrich and the University of Tennessee at Martin Wind Ensemble to be performed in April 2016. More details to come.


Boreas: The North Wind

5 March 2014

Boreas: The North Wind won the 2013 Gerald Kemner Prize for Wind Ensemble. The piece will be played next year by the UMKC Wind Symphony.


33rd CMS Great Plains Conference

14 February 2014

Nach Raum und Zeit was accepted for performance in March at the 33rd College Music Society's Great Plains Conference at William Jewell College in Liberty, MO.






2014 SCI Region V Conference

30 December 2013

Eosphorus: The Morning Star was accepted for performance by the Western Michigan University Wind Symphony in March at the 2014 Society of Composers, Inc. Region V Conference at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI.


North American Saxophone Alliance Conference

2 December 2013

The UMKC Saxophone Ensemble under the direction of Zach Shemon just found out that they have been selected to perform at the 2014 NASA Conference. Their program will include Jenkins's new piece orbital eccentricity. 


United Kingdom

2 December 2013

Jenkins will be in Manchester, England for two and a half weeks in January to work with composer Peter Graham at the University of Salford and attend the Royal Northern College of Music's Festival of Brass.


Nach Raum und Zeit

14 October 2013

Nach Raum und Zeit receives Second Place in the Rebecca Sherburn Vocal Composition Competition.









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